Vastu Services
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Vastu Services
Correction of Vastu Energies without demolition or least modification - our speciality
We provide specialised Vastu, not only consultancy on phone / video conference / in person but also correction and modification without making any physical damage of constructions by correcting the Vastu energies through a specialised energy modification science, technique and Divine Cosmic Energies. It is indeed a result based correction. We want all of our clients to experience the impressive level of professionalism when working with JayGanga. All of our services, especially this one, exist to make your life easier and trouble free. You can trust us to serve you with the best results, as well as top quality client service.
Sri Chakradhar
Vastu Expert and Life Coach
Chakradhar ji, a personal spiritual counselor and a relationships genius for over 2 decades now is also a Vastu expert, apart from being a Life Coach. Chakradhar ji experienced his mystical inner awakening and discovered his calling as a life coach and counsellor, to which he has dedicated his birth. The discovery of his communication with his higher self through his conscience and his inner calling, made him spontaneously discover spirituality as his life’s destiny, mission and purpose. Chakradhar ji, specializes in conducting Vastu counselling and corrections without affecting the physical structures, life coaching processes for masses, regardless of one’s religious affiliations, personalized mystical healing sessions for physical and spiritual bodies, besides teaching techniques to be practiced for finding and living in states of perpetual joy and happiness.